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Financial Organization

A doctor holding/ shaking an old womans hand - part of a series.Consider for a moment how much time you spend doing your finances on a monthly basis. Then, factor in that you have less time now than ever before and that you are being asked to take charge of more and more of the financial future.


The trick to staying in control and navigating this complicated financial maze is more than just information. It’s being organized. It’s great to make the right decisions; it’s an entirely different matter to keep track of it all.

A survey recently completed by the Financial Planning Association showed that the average family of four, depending upon the age of the children, can have anywhere from sixteen to twenty-eight different financial accounts. Keeping track of it all can be a full-time job just by itself. It’s no wonder you feel overwhelmed with all the mail that seems to continuously arrive. Putting it aside is what more and more people do, hoping to get to it at a later date.

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Does your desk look as if it’s drowning in a sea of bills, cancelled checks and brokerage statements?
  • Do you travel frequently and worry about what awaits at your doorstep when you return home?
  • Do you often pay late charges simply because you misplaced or forgot to pay your bills?
  • Does it take you days or weeks to gather all your records and receipts at tax time?
  • Do you fear being audited by the IRS and not having the necessary documentation readily available?
  • Are you concerned about the complexity of your finances?
  • Are you burdened and overwhelmed by the finances of an older relative or family member?
  • Do you wish you could track and consolidate all of the fragmented financial data from those monthly statements you get in the mail?
  • Would you like to create a budget and then see how well you can keep to it?
  • Would you like to spend less time doing these mundane tasks?


If the answer to any (or most) of these questions is YES, Redlig Financial Services can help you with your finances.

Whatever your needs are, we can help you. We take the time to listen to your requirements, desires and concerns and work to ensure your total satisfaction with our services.

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